How to Cook Brown Jasmine Rice in a Rice Cooker?

Do you know how to cook brown jasmine rice in a rice cooker? This is an easy process that takes just a few minutes to complete.

All you need is some water and brown jasmine rice, and your rice cooker will do the rest.

In just a short time, you’ll have perfectly cooked brown jasmine rice perfect for any dish. So why not give it a try today? You may be surprised at just how easy it is!

How to cook brown jasmine rice in a rice cooker?

How to Cook Brown Jasmine Rice in a Rice Cooker


  • 1 cup brown jasmine rice
  • 2 cups water


1. rinse the rice in a strainer with cold water to remove any dirt or impurities.

2. add the rinsed rice and water to the rice cooker, and stir to combine.

3. set the rice cooker to the “cook” setting, and allow the rice to cook until it is tender and fluffy. This should take about 30 minutes.

4. once the rice is cooked, fluff it with a fork and serve as desired. Enjoy!

How much water do you put in a rice cooker for brown jasmine rice?

You should use 1 and 3/4 cups of water for cooking 1 cup of brown jasmine rice in a rice cooker.

How long does it take to cook brown jasmine rice in a rice cooker?

Cooking brown jasmine rice in a rice cooker usually takes about 45 minutes, but it may vary depending on the rice cooker you are using.

Does brown jasmine rice take longer to cook?

Yes, brown jasmine rice does take longer to cook than white or other types of rice.

Does brown rice need more water in the rice cooker?

Yes, brown rice needs more water in the rice cooker than white rice, and this is because brown rice is a whole grain with a higher starch content than white rice. The extra water will help the rice cook evenly and produce fluffy, tender grains.

Is brown jasmine rice the same as brown rice?

Yes, brown jasmine rice is the same as brown rice, and they are both whole grains that contain the bran, germ and endosperm. Brown jasmine rice has a nuttier flavor and firmer texture than brown rice.

Does jasmine rice cook differently?

There is no difference in cooking jasmine rice vs. white rice; if you follow a standard recipe for white rice, it’ll work with coconut oil, the ratio of water and salt.

How long do 2 cups of brown rice take to cook in a rice cooker?

Cooking 2 cups of brown jasmine rice in a rice cooker should take 45 minutes.

Is jasmine rice healthier than regular rice?

Rice is a staple food in many countries, with the main dietary energy supply being derived from rice.

Jasmine rice contains more minerals like selenium and vitamins B2 and B3 when compared to other white varieties of rice such as pearl or basmati. In general, brown rice has a higher nutritional value than white short-grain rice.

Brown jasmine rice will be lower on the glycemic index scale than white long grain rice because it can’t fully digest as quickly due to the outer layer of bran that remains after milling.

Can jasmine rice be cooked in a rice cooker?

Yes! Jasmine rice can be cooked in a rice cooker, but it’s important to follow the correct water to rice ratio. For every cup of jasmine rice, use 1 1/2 cups of water.

How much water do I need for 3 cups of jasmine rice?

It takes two cups of water to cook 1 cup of rice. But make sure you stir the rice and then add an extra cup of hot water after 10 minutes of cooking.

Does jasmine rice need to be rinsed?

Yes. Rice should be rinsed under cold running water until the tap water runs clear.

How much water do I add to brown rice?

The ratio of rice to water is 1:2. Bring the rice and water to a boil, lower heat, cover with a lid and simmer for 18-20 minutes.

Does brown rice need to be rinsed?

No, rinsing is not necessary. Brown rice can be cooked with the water that remains on it after rinsing.

Which is healthier brown rice or brown jasmine rice?

Brown jasmine rice is healthier than brown rice because it has a lower glycemic index, releasing sugar into the bloodstream more slowly.

This is important because sugary foods can cause spikes in blood sugar, leading to problems like obesity and diabetes. Jasmine rice has a nuttier flavor and firmer texture than regular brown rice.

Does brown rice take longer to cook in a rice cooker?

No, it does not take long to cook brown jasmine rice in a rice cooker, and it takes about the same amount of time as white rice.

Does jasmine rice cook the same as white rice?

White rice and jasmine rice are very simple to cook in a rice cooker. The only difference is that you need to rinse it first with long grain white so the starches can be washed away before cooking.


In conclusion, cooking brown jasmine rice in a rice cooker is quite simple. Just be sure to follow the directions on your particular rice cooker model. And, as always, feel free to adjust the amount of water and cooking time to suit your preferences. Happy cooking!

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